Going back to work after a hair transplant can be a way of restoring your life again with a new charm. It is the best way to gain self-confidence as you will look much younger. After a hair transplant surgery you might feel apprehensive about going back to work, but there is no reason to worry. You can consider the suggestions and tips as you decide to resume your work.
Following medical advice
There is no reason to hold yourself back from enjoying work and life. If your work requires lifting heavy items or doing strenuous jobs, then you can take rest for two weeks and let your transplanted hair settle in your scalp. If you have only desk works then you can join the next day. Make sure to follow every instruction of your physician after the surgery is done. During consultation you can discuss with the physician about your timeline, your work and the length of your leave. If your workplace does not allow to wear a cap then you can take leave for a couple of days.
Tips to be back in public
- Concealing with a cap: You can consider wearing a cap or scarf as per your preference to your workplace in order to avoid direct exposure to sun as it can cause redness during the initial stage of healing. If you have a job that involves public interaction then you might want to conceal your appearance till the healing process ends.
- Hiding from people: It takes a week to ten days from the day of surgery and no one will notice any difference in your hair. However, the people you meet on a daily basis might notice a difference in your hair cut. In that case you can take a leave for a week if you want to hide your obvious changes. On the second week it will be pretty good and on the third week you will look as usual.
- Growing long hair: A woman can grow her hair long. In that way she can hide the donor region under a long length of hair. The grafted hairs in the frontare a small segment of hair and are not much visible once they grow in. therefore, you do not look different from your usual look.
Learn more about hair grafts
If you want to get a head full of natural hair then you can go to the best service provider and learn about the effective hair restoration solution. A consultation before the examination will give you a chance to make a decision. Going back to work will be hassle-free and your overall appearance will be impressive as hair grafts are natural and permanent. Altogether, resuming workwill depend on the level of hair loss, procedure of the surgery and which part of the hair you are treating. Hair transplant is one of the important decisions of your life so do not stress yourself. You can take a couple of days off for the recovery and start working after the completion of a recovery period.