Whatever the cause of hair loss, people generally associate hair loss with low self esteem which can further lead to feeling of insecurity, annoyance and ultimately depression. Think of how prematurely thinning hair can affect one’s confidence and start losing hair at 25 is too early that this experience can be really traumatic for many. Majority of males around the age of 30 or 40 years are suffering hair loss conditions including male pattern baldness or thinning or hair line recession. But generally society does not accept baldness issues in women.
Although there are modern Hair loss treatments including products and certain over the counter medications such as Rogaine available, medical advances of rapidly evolving hair transplant surgery procedures help provide effective undetectable solutions performed on men resulting in denser hair than before. For most patients of hair loss including women, Hair transplantation remains the best choice. The sophisticated methods of HT process can treat various degree of alopecia from which follicular unit extraction is markedly successful method to yield natural-appearing results creating a natural appearance. With better harvesting and implantation, HT results stand for outstanding art and technological advances. To assess and plan for a hair treatment, factors like colour, quality and density of the donor hair are considered properly. And it is crucial to consider the direction of existing hair when making holes into the recipient region.
Usually FUE method is preferred for pattern baldness since it is minimally invasive and almost painless surgery that involves extraction of follicle unites from the donor site typically from the rear side of the head using a 1 mm punch device, leaves no scar in the area and delivers fast recovery in contrast to FUT in which a donor strip is taken and leaves multiple dot scars. Today one can get ht treatments at specific sites too including eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, and moustache so hair transplantation is very rewarding procedure for patient that guarantees to get rid of hair loss and regain hair and at the same time lucrative for surgeon. All it takes to consider the right technique and technology, and a reputed experienced surgeon before going for a transplant to have excellent hair back on your head.