Hair transplant is a miracle cure for those who underwent the procedure. On the contrary, propecia with finasteride as chemical, a popular hair loss treatment drug in market works on hormones but has side effects that vary with its degree of intake and from patient to patient. Though this number is low, yet, this medication is beneficial to slow down or eventually halt hair shedding issue but not balding because it does not grow hair where there complete baldness. Hence, people are happier with getting a hair transplant for better coverage and better the appearance. This oral drug, OTC treatment doesn’t work for everyone and even it takes months to a year to see how effectively it will work. The positive results remain till you continuously use it otherwise any gained results will be lost.
About side effects, some noted common cons are dizziness, chills, itchiness and light-headaches and may be severe in some. Further, it cannot be consumed by women. For this reason, propecia is good for temporary solutions in men whilst, hair transplantation is best bet to restore hair permanently. There is no need of longtime routinely commitment of taking such medicine when there are advanced effective hair transplant methods available such as FUT or FUE. Even today, more men are undergoing hair restoration surgery for their want of increase in hair counts and fullness in pattern balding spots. Do not consider hair loss pills as an alternative to hair transplant technique because such medications give reasonable expectations. Yes, hair restoration is the only solution of complete hair loss or bald patches so get rid of this pretty embarrassing problem of the modern society with real regrow living hair.
Tags : finasteride,Hair Transplant,propecia